Most frequent complaints reported(multiple complaints per patient are possible)

Adverse effect may be due to disease and/or other underlying condition and medication/treatment may not be causative factor


Drug Brand Name TNKase
Drug Substance/Generic Name tenecteplase
Number of Patients Complaining 302
Serious Reactions to Substance 340
Non Serious Reactions to Substance 16
Substance Not Effective Complaints 27
At-Ray Ratio (NSR/SR); Safety indicator, higher is safer 0.05
PP Ratio (Patients Complaining/Not Effective), higher is more effective 11.19
Drug Rating = PP Ratio* At-Ray Ratio 0.28

Summary (from Wikipedia)

Tenecteplase (sold under the trade name TNKase) is an enzyme used as a thrombolytic drug. Tenecteplase is a tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) produced by recombinant DNA technology using an established mammalian cell line (Chinese hamster ovary cells). Tenecteplase is a 527 amino acid glycoprotein developed by introducing the following modifications to the complementary DNA (cDNA) for natural human tPA: a substitution of threonine 103 with asparagine, and a substitution of asparagine 117 with glutamine, both within the kringle 1 domain, and a tetra-alanine substitution at amino acids 296–299 in the protease domain. Tenecteplase is a recombinant fibrin-specific plasminogen activator that is derived from native t-PA by modifications at three sites of the protein structure. It binds to the fibrin component of the thrombus (blood clot) and selectively converts thrombus-bound plasminogen to plasmin, which degrades the fibrin matrix of the thrombus. Tenecteplase has a higher fibrin specificity and greater resistance to inactivation by its endogenous inhibitor (PAI-1) compared to native t-PA. The abbreviation TNK is common for referring to tenecteplase, but abbreviating drug names is not best practice in medicine, and in fact TNK is one of the examples given on the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) do-not-use list.

Indications and Usage (from FDA label)

INDICATIONS AND USAGE TNKase® (Tenecteplase) is indicated for use in the reduction of mortality associated with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after the onset of AMI symptoms (see CLINICAL STUDIES).

Copyright for images below belongs to manufacturer mentioned in label, presented for information only

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